Hello Guys..Today I am sharing this new facebook hack trick with you because recently many peoples get bored because of the new version of chat.Where Facebook apply some restriction on chatting.
So friends,I am sharing this new script with you too get your old Facebook Chat instead of new one.By using this script facebook will shows all online and idle friends, not just the ones you talk to frequently, it also hides offline friends
How To Get The Old Facebook Chat Instead Of New One
1 : First Download this script
2 : Now accept its terms & install that script.
3 : Restart firefox.
4 : Now You've got old chatbox in facebook back!
- Shows ALL online/idle friends
- Shows ONLY online/idle friends (Doesn't show offline friends)
- Orders friends by first name
- Groups friends by online and idle.
- Shows total number of online/idle friends when chat bar is open and closed.
- Chat bar adjusts in size based on how many friends you have online.
- Chat bar closes when it loses focus to stay out of your way.
- Does not realign the page when chat opens
- Header to the top of chat that closes the menu when clicked.
- Works for both HTTP and HTTPS
- Searching friends is still possible.
- Going online/offline is still possible.
- Keep the list of online friends on the left hand side of the page always visible even when the chat dialog opens.
- Adds "View Profile" link to the cog menu in each chat window to easily view the profile of the person you are talking to.
Browser Support:
- Full support for Firefox & Google Chrome
- Unknown support for Safari and Opera
So friends, I hope now you get the old Facebook Chat instead of new on. I have tried this trick and it is working perfect for me.
Got problems in using this trick to get the old Facebook Chat instead of new one??? Please mention it in comments. I will help you.
Download script Here
Popular Download
Release to public Cat-Hotkey Final 0.1Made by: John Gerald Cataguefor comment and suggestion you can e-mail me at game_catague@yahoo.com o...
Jul 27, 2011
Jul 21, 2011
encrypt or decrypt number
encrypt or decrypt code by: John Gerald Catague
Program language dev C++
proposes to compute the water expenses
note Dis code is open source you can edit the code as lone you want but
do note remove the copyright comment in the code thank you
*for Educational purposes only
code below
note dont forget the brace in
#include iostream
#include iomanip
#include cmath
#include iostream
#include iomanip
#include cmath
using namespace std;
char action;
//code by John GErald Catague
//visit http://cataguegerald.blogspot.com for more info
int main ()
int number;
cout << "Enter e to encrypt or d to decrypt?" << endl; cin >> action;
if( action == 'e')
cout << " Enter a 4 digit number to encrypt: " << endl; cin >> number;
int digit1 = ( number / 1000 + 7) % 10;
int digit2 = ( number % 1000 / 100 + 7) % 10;
int digit3 = ( number % 100 / 10 + 7 ) % 10;
int digit4 = ( number % 10 + 7) % 10;
int encryptedNumber =
digit1 * 10 + digit2 + digit3 * 1000 + digit4 * 100;
cout << " Encrypted Number is:" << encryptedNumber << endl; } else if ( action == 'd'); cout << "Enter a 4-digit number to decrypt: " << endl; cin >> number;
// decrypt ( digit numbers are counted from left)
int digit1 = ( number / 1000 + 3) % 10;
int digit2 = ( number % 1000 / 100 + 3) % 10;
int digit3 = ( number % 100 / 10 + 3 ) % 10;
int digit4 = ( number % 10 + 3) % 10;
int decryptedNumber =
digit1 * 10 + digit2 + digit3 * 1000 + digit4 * 100;
cout << " Decrypted Number is:" << decryptedNumber << endl;
Program language dev C++
proposes to compute the water expenses
note Dis code is open source you can edit the code as lone you want but
do note remove the copyright comment in the code thank you
*for Educational purposes only
code below
note dont forget the brace in
#include iostream
#include iomanip
#include cmath
#include iostream
#include iomanip
#include cmath
using namespace std;
char action;
//code by John GErald Catague
//visit http://cataguegerald.blogspot.com for more info
int main ()
int number;
cout << "Enter e to encrypt or d to decrypt?" << endl; cin >> action;
if( action == 'e')
cout << " Enter a 4 digit number to encrypt: " << endl; cin >> number;
int digit1 = ( number / 1000 + 7) % 10;
int digit2 = ( number % 1000 / 100 + 7) % 10;
int digit3 = ( number % 100 / 10 + 7 ) % 10;
int digit4 = ( number % 10 + 7) % 10;
int encryptedNumber =
digit1 * 10 + digit2 + digit3 * 1000 + digit4 * 100;
cout << " Encrypted Number is:" << encryptedNumber << endl; } else if ( action == 'd'); cout << "Enter a 4-digit number to decrypt: " << endl; cin >> number;
// decrypt ( digit numbers are counted from left)
int digit1 = ( number / 1000 + 3) % 10;
int digit2 = ( number % 1000 / 100 + 3) % 10;
int digit3 = ( number % 100 / 10 + 3 ) % 10;
int digit4 = ( number % 10 + 3) % 10;
int decryptedNumber =
digit1 * 10 + digit2 + digit3 * 1000 + digit4 * 100;
cout << " Decrypted Number is:" << decryptedNumber << endl;
water Billing
Water Billing code by: John Gerald Catague
Program language dev C++
proposes to compute the water expenses
note Dis code is open source you can edit the code as lone you want but
do note remove the copyright comment in the code thank you
*for Educational purposes only
code below
note dont forget the brace in #include iostream
Program language dev C++
proposes to compute the water expenses
note Dis code is open source you can edit the code as lone you want but
do note remove the copyright comment in the code thank you
*for Educational purposes only
code below
note dont forget the brace in #include iostream
#include iostream
using namespace std;
//code by John GErald Catague
//visit http://cataguegerald.blogspot.com for more info
float computeBill(char, float);
int main ()
int accountNo;
char useCode;
float gallons;
float amountDue;
cout << "Please enter your account number:";
cin >> accountNo;
cout << "\n*************************************************************\n";
cout << "\nEnter \nH for Home\nC for commercial\nI for industrial";
cout << "\n\nPlease enter your use code:";
cin >> useCode;
if ((useCode == 'H' || useCode == 'h'))
cout << "\n***************** User Type[Home] ***************************\n\n";
if ((useCode == 'C' || useCode == 'c'))
cout << "\n***************** User Type[Commercial] *********************\n\n";
if ((useCode == 'I' || useCode == 'i'))
cout << "\n***************** User Type[Industrial] *********************\n\n";
cout << "Please enter the number of gallons you used:";
cin >> gallons;
if ((useCode == 'H' || useCode == 'h'))
cout << "\n\n***************** REPORT for User[Home ]*******************\n";
if ((useCode == 'C' || useCode == 'c'))
cout << "\n\n***************** REPORT for User[Commercial]**************\n";
if ((useCode == 'I' || useCode == 'i'))
cout << "\n\n***************** REPORT for User[Industrial]]*************\n";
amountDue = computeBill(useCode, gallons);
cout << "Account Number: " << accountNo << endl;
cout << "Use Code: " << useCode << endl;
cout << "Gallons Used: " << gallons << endl;
cout << "The Bill is: " << amountDue << endl;
system ("pause");
return 0;
float computeBill(char useCode, float gallons)
if ((useCode == 'H' || useCode == 'h') && (gallons <= (float)1000000))
return 2250.00;
if ((useCode == 'H' || useCode == 'h') && (gallons > (float)1000000))
return ((gallons - 1000000) * 0.002) + 2250;
if ((useCode == 'C' || useCode == 'c') && (gallons <= (float)4000000))
return 5000.00;
if ((useCode == 'C' || useCode == 'c') && (gallons > (float)4000000))
return ((gallons - 4000000) * 0.002) + 5000;
if ((useCode == 'I' || useCode == 'i') && (gallons <= (float)4000000))
return 5000.00;
if ((useCode == 'I' || useCode == 'i') && (gallons > (float)4000000))
return 10000.00;
if ((useCode == 'I' || useCode == 'i') && (gallons <= (float)10000000))
return 10000.00;
if ((useCode == 'I' || useCode == 'i') && (gallons > (float)10000000))
return 15000.00;
Jul 9, 2011
Youtube to mp3 download v1
code by : John Gerald Catague
Ama Student for calamba
like us and follow us at
visit my site
how to use
1. Just Copy the link and paste
2. and Click add to list you mcan add more link as long you want
3. and click the download
have fun comment suggestion post in my fb account
freee update visit http://cataguegerald.blogspot.com
Download here
Jul 3, 2011
Simple Payroll System Using OOP in C++
this code is for tutorial only
the fuction of the code is multiply the number of day for the employee
more comment post here or like us on f and follow us on twitter
#include iostream.
#include iomanip
using namespace std;
class payroll {
string name;
int days_work;
float rate;
float solve;
public :
int get_info();
void display_info();
int payroll :: get_info()
cout << "\t\t Simple Payroll System Using OOP in C++";
cout << "=========================================================\n\n";
cout << "Enter Employees Name : ";
cout << "Enter No. of Days Worked : ";
cin >> days_work;
cout << "Enter Daily Rate : ";
cin >> rate;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
solve = (days_work * rate);
void payroll ::display_info()
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "==== DETAILED REPORT =====";
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "\nEmployees Name : " << name;
cout << "\nEmployees Salay is : P" << solve;
cout << "\n\n";
main() {
payroll emp;
the fuction of the code is multiply the number of day for the employee
more comment post here or like us on f and follow us on twitter
#include iostream.
#include iomanip
using namespace std;
class payroll {
string name;
int days_work;
float rate;
float solve;
public :
int get_info();
void display_info();
int payroll :: get_info()
cout << "\t\t Simple Payroll System Using OOP in C++";
cout << "=========================================================\n\n";
cout << "Enter Employees Name : ";
cout << "Enter No. of Days Worked : ";
cin >> days_work;
cout << "Enter Daily Rate : ";
cin >> rate;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
solve = (days_work * rate);
void payroll ::display_info()
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "==== DETAILED REPORT =====";
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "\nEmployees Name : " << name;
cout << "\nEmployees Salay is : P" << solve;
cout << "\n\n";
main() {
payroll emp;
Jul 1, 2011
Disk Administrator
Use this password-protected security utility to hide and lock your local,
Floppy and USB drives as well as disable the AutoRun feature for them.
The design of the program is very simple.
The main window contains the boxes with drive settings that represent
individual drives and the toolbar used for applying changes. All you need to
do is to click on the checkboxes with settings and after you finish press the
apply button.
password :cataguegerald
For Comment or Suggestion E-mail Me at game_catague@yahoo.com
or Visit my webpage at http://cataguegerald.blogspot.com
Like Us :http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cat-software/181333811921922
Follow us:http://twitter.com/#!/raldcatague
Download HERE
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